Business Hours
M11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
T1:00 PM to 8:00 PM
T1:00 PM to 8:00 PM
F12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
S9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Contact Information
109a, 1526 9th Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 0T7
Tel: 4036816998
Have a question about how to use our online appointment scheduling system? Perhaps our list of frequently asked questions and answers will help.

1. How do I book an appointment? back to top

Booking an appointment is simple and can be completed in 3 easy steps:

  1. Select your service by clicking the "Select Service!" link on the right side of the page.
  2. Select the date and time for the appointment. If staff options are available, click on the staff member you wish to book an appointment with and his/her availabilities will be displayed.
  3. Verify the appointment information and include your *login credentials. Then click on the "Book It" button to schedule the appointment.

*If you do not have an account, you can select the "I do not have an account" option and click on the "Book It" button. You will then be prompted to create an account. The appointment will be booked once you've submitted the sign up form.

You can also login or create an account prior to completing Steps 1 to 3.

2. How do I cancel an appointment? back to top

To cancel an appointment, you must login to your account.

Then click the "My Appointments" link located at the top right of the screen. A list of your upcoming appointments will be displayed. Select the "Cancel" button for the appointment that you wish to cancel. You will then be directed to a confirmation page. On the confirmation page, select the "Cancel" button once again to confirm your cancellation.

If you receive a warning when clicking the "Cancel" button, you must call in order to cancel the appointment.

3. How do I reschedule an appointment? back to top

There is no actual way to reschedule an upcoming appointment.

You must first cancel the appointment and then book a new appointment.

4. I get a warning message when trying to book an appointment. Why? back to top

Businesses usually require at least 24 hours notice for booking their services online. When trying to book an appointment without 24 hours notice, then a warning message will be displayed.

However, some businesses do allow shorter notice times.

5. I get a warning message when trying to cancel an appointment. Why? back to top

Businesses usually require at least 24 hours notice for canceling an appointment online. When trying to cancel an appointment without 24 hours notice, then a warning message will be displayed. In this case, you should always call to inform the business that you will be canceling the appointment.

However, some businesses do allow shorter notice times.

6. I cannot remember my password. What do I do? back to top

If you forgot your password, you can retrieve it by accessing the Forgot Password page.

7. I am a staff member and I cannot login. Why? back to top

If you are a staff member and you are having problems logging in, then you are probably using the wrong login page. To login as a staff member use the Staff Login page.